Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Don't Panic! Wildomar's new lighting ordinance is not scary

The Wildomar City council will be considering an revised lighting ordinance during their March 13 council meeting. The ordinance is a great improvement over Riverside County Ordinance 655 which was adopted by Wildomar upon incorporation as a city. The revised ordinance keeps up with changes in land use, population density, and lighting technologies that have emerged since the 1980s when ordinance 655 was created.

Residents of Wildomar may be asking themselves this question: Do I have to change my lights?


The ordinance is not intended to apply to existing dwellings unless that dwelling is undergoing a change of use or new construction.

As much as I wish this ordinance would provide one neighbor some reasonable protection from another's intrusive and inconsiderate use of light, it doesn't. I hope this limit in applicability will assure any resident that the new ordinance is not to be feared.

I'll be writing more on the ordinance, but felt this one point needed clarification.


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