Friday, October 11, 2013

What's Up, Orange County Astronomers, 11 Oct 2013

I'm doing the October What's Up presentation for the Orange County Astronomers (, which is tonight at 7:30. Here are a few highlights that I'll be sharing
The Delphinius Nova fades, as shown in this comparison of photos from Aug 15 with Oct. 5. The first overlays the nova taken on 18 Aug with the same star field photographed a year ago.


The second photo shows that the nova has faded to a dim star.

I got a fresh image Andromeda rising in the east last weekend. Here I've diagramed how to find M31 and M33. M31 is visible from a moderately light polluted sky. M33 needs pure darkness, but can be seen with binoculars.

The full moon stomps on the next two significant meteor showers, so I'm sharing a consolation prize, a time when the moon helped the photo.
The above includes the full moon, anticrepuscular rays, and the Earth's shadow. The rays (shadows on the left, are from the sun and converge on the anti-solar point just below the moon. The blue horizon is the earth's shadow. Both of these are corroborated by the presence of a full moon, which you see as full only when the moon directly opposite the sun.

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